Monday 27 march 2017, at 19:00 - Concert at the "Tinerimea Romana" Hall
Sunday 2 april 2017, at 19:00 - Participation at the Holy Mass at the Romanian Patriarhate Cathedral
Wednesday 31 May 2017, at 19:00 - Concert at the Romanian Athenaeum
The “Symbol” Choir was founded on September 18th 1990 by professor Jean Lupu under the high patronage and with the blessing of Teoctist, the Head of the Romanian Orthodox Church. All the members of the choir are excellent musicians and good Christians representing a unique voiceprint in the Romanian choral music assembly.The “Symbol” Choir has sung on the most prestigious stages all over the country - The Palace Hall, The Radio Hall, The Romanian Athenaeum, The Opera House, The Music Academy, The Houses of the Parliament, The Cotroceni Palace - as well as in numerous churches and cathedrals from Bucharest and from all over Romania. An emphasis should be stressed on the fact that The “George Enesco” National Philharmonic includes at least one concert of the “Symbol” choir every year. more